Open Source Projects and Whatnot
We likely all feel we wish we published more open source software.
My first npm module, a rather silly react component letting you change image src when hovered.
An API that helped people in the response to Harvey and Irma. More to come.
Parallel map using Celluloid Futures. Source
Ruby Off Rails
Video course, with 21 videos, approx 20 hours of content.
Because JSFiddle is awesome. Persist, Version, and Fork Ruby Snippets.
- Web Frontend Source
- Sinatra JRuby Backend
- JRuby VM sandboxes - secures for remote executable code
Make posting links to people’s trello boards easy. Source
@jwo does dotfiles. Source
Houston Lightning
An AngularJS + Rails application for lightning talks. Source
Railsconf Beepter Tutorial
Beeper: a RailsConf 2013 Tutorial. Source
ActiveRecord without Rails
Just a simple example of using ActiveRecord migrations without Rails. Source
DbFu: an easy ruby only ActiveRecord setup. Source